Design & Manufacturing Engineers for Convoluted & Welded Metal Bellows
Bellow Weld (Pty) Ltd
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Bellows|Expansion Joints|Compensators

Hydroformed Bellows

Sizes:Ø 18 to 550 NBHydroformed Bellow Image 1Hydroformed Bellow Image 1
Material:0.015mm to 1.6mm Single or Multi-layer
Material Type:All Stainless Steel, Inconels, Incoloys, Hasteloys, Titanium, Monel, Nickel or any other formable material
Applications: Pipe Line Compensation, Valve Stem Sealing
Pnuematic/Steam/Gas Control Assembly
Vibration Isolation, Furnace Electrode
Pressure Ring Bellow, Exhaust

Rolled Bellows

Sizes:From 350 NB to any sizeRolled Bellow Image 1Rolled Bellow Image 2
Material:Thickness from 0.9mm to 2.5mm
Material Type:Mainly Stainless Steel, Nickle Alloys or any roll formable Steel.
Applications:Mainly for compensation in large low pressure ducting

Spun/Knuckle Bellows

Sizes:Ø 250 I.D. and LargerSpun/Knuckled Bellow Image 1Spun/Knuckled Bellow Image 2
Material: Mild Steel up to 6mm
Stainless Steel up to 6mm
Material Type:Mild Steel, Stainless Steel or any formable material.
Applications:This type of Bellow/Compensator is the only type that can be manufactured from mild steel, used mainly in large ducting where low spring rates are required, and obtained by using this deep type of convolution.

Punch Formed Bellows

Sizes:From 700 NB to 6mPunch Formed Bellow Image 1Punch Formed Bellow Image 2
Material: Thickness from single layer 0.7mm - 3mm
Multi-layers 3 to 4 depending one requirement (One of the only manufactured in the country to do lager multi-layer compensators).
Material Type:Mild Steel, Stainless Steel or any formable material.
Applications: Mainly for large High and Low pressure ducting
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